Friday, January 25, 2008

The Votes are in

I noticed there were several odd things happening in my life that seemed too far fetched to be true. One item I did not include was my parents RUNNING three miles in 35 minutes. We're not just talking about a New Year's resolution either; they are committed to the Derby half-marathon in Louisville, KY. I am exuberant about my parents running this race. Karen and I are going to run the marathon so it is truly a family event. Thankfully, we inherited a treadmill from our previous living situation (thank you Hershael & Tanya!!!). If we didn't have it, there is no way we would be training for a marathon in Chicago. Although I love winter, it is unbelievably cold.

As for my parents, last week they were in Nicaragua. They travel every year to the National Newspaper Association meeting that is held in various cities, but this year was slated to be in Nicaragua due to the current NNA president's choice. Mom & Dad had a great time, but I don't believe they have any plans for a future vacation in Nicaragua. Jen, thank you for your vote, but it was true.

Hands down I thought it would be a landslide vote for Karen and football. Those of you that know Karen know her feelings on football, and they are not kind ("Football is the root of all sin and evil." Said slightly in jest.) This year was very different on Saturdays and Sundays during football season. Not only did Karen often encourage me to turn on a football game, she would sit down with me and watch the games. These kind acts over the course of weeks shows how wonderful my wife is. Not only did she encourage me to watch the games but she sat down with me engrossed in the many SEC overtime games as well as watching flamboyant, prima donna NFL players. I am thankful for her giving to me in so many little, loving ways. Thus, John Mark T., you guessed well, but wrong.

That means I did not meet Steve Martin. Great job Shelly! I have enjoyed Steve Martin since I was little. The past few years I have enjoyed reading his books. Born Standing Up, his latest release was superb, but my favorite is The Pleasures of My Company. I laughed out loud throughout this book. While Martin's humor has always had a philosophical bent to it, even today his writes from an existensial framework. His humor isn't for everyone, such as my sister and brother-in-law. Neither one of them cracked a smile after reading "Renegade Cows" from Cruel Shoes. I would love to spend time with Steve Martin, which is true but the reality hasn't happened yet.
Thanks for playing.

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