Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Let's Go!

Lottie Moon was a missionary to the Chinese people for over forty years. This woman was one of the pioneer missionaries for Southern Baptists. Through her efforts of reaching the lost Miss Moon spurred Southern Baptists onto making missions a continual priority for the cooperation of churches. However, during her lifetime she was grieved with the lack of missionaries. She knows the great calling of God to His church and wrote to encourage Baptists to fulfill this calling:

I have seen the husbandman go forth in the autumn to plow the fields; later, I have seen him scatter the seed broadcast; anon, the tiny green shoots came up scarcely visible at first; then the snows of winter fell concealing them for weeks; spring brought its fructifying rains, its genial sunshine, & lo! in June the golden harvest. WE are now, a very, very few feeble workers, scattering the grain broadcast according as time & strength permit. God will give the harvest; doubt it not. But the laborers are so few. Where we have four, we should have not less than one hundred. Are these wild words? They would not seem so were the church of God awake to her high privileges & her weighty responsibilities.

Despite the lack of workers in the field, she worshiped God for His faithfulness:

In no country have I seen Christian women of sweeter or lovelier spirit, nowhere have I seen men more heartily consecrated to God's service. Their one chief, absorbing thought seems to be the glory of God, and the salvation of souls.

May we be motivated for by God's glory to see people led out of darkness into light. There are people around us and around the world that need a Savior. May God use GracePointe Baptist Church to shine His light for the lost to see.

(quotes from The Baptists, Vol. Two, Tom Nettles, 2005)

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