Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Farewell Myspace

As you might have noticed, I have been a very infrequent blogger over the past two months. After great pressure from various people, I finally succombed to the myspace craze. Yes, I even became a Myspace phanatic. For those unaware of the latest internet epidemic, Myspace is the culmination of everything that Internet communication has to offer: messaging, pictures, videos, all comments all on your own personal page with your own personal flare. Once you set up your page with it's cool background and your favorite song or song that describes you playing in the background, you are set to add friends to your page which links your pages together.
As a youth minister, it allowed me to view and read all that teenagers were writting about themselves and their life experience. Teenagers expose their emotions and desires for all to see and for anyone to fill. My job was to link parents up with their child's site and password in order to view not only their public page but private messages.
This craze is a great example of living in the world but not of this world. Is it wrong to be involved in something that has overtly sexual advertisements all over it? Is it wrong to allow a venue for women to mesage a married man requesting to be his friend? Is it wrong to have teenagers as your friend who have foul, rauchy pictures and messages all over their page?
There are many dangers on the internet in general and Myspace is a specific hub for sexual predators and sinful enticements to grab not only teenagers but any aged person. On the other hand, teenagers are on Myspace whether the Christian church is or not.
Our lifestyle must be determined by making the wisest choice rather than making an okay choice. Myspace has no real meaning for me now because I live for another space yet to come.

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