Monday, August 01, 2011

Waiting in Hope

For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness, Gal. 5:5.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we put our faith in Him for the forgiveness of our sins. Rather than seeing ourselves as inherently good or able to measure up to God's perfect righteous standard, we trust in Jesus for His righteousness. Right now we are waiting to be declared righteous before God, our Father, and before all of our brothers and sisters. We see in Galatians continually that we don't rely on our ability or merits to stand before God. It's only by hearing with faith through the Spirit that brings righteousness. It's true that right now we are united with Christ and God credits us as righteous. However, those outside of Christ do not see us as perfectly righteous. Although we maybe viewed as good, decent people who try to live right. This view is vastly different from the perfect righteousness that God gives us.

In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Edmund is a despicable brother. He lies to his brother and sisters throughout the beginning of the story. His lies cause great problems and heartache for his family and for the entire country of Narnia. His lies lead to what seems to be the greatest catastrophe Narnia has ever known. Aslan, the King is killed by the White Witch who has held Narnia under her power for ages previously. Now that she killed Aslan, she will never be stopped. But death could not hold Aslan because of his great sacrifice of love. Edmund doesn't stay the loathsome character we first knew either. He repents and fights for his king, Aslan. At the end of the story the Pevensie family is crowned kings and queens of Narnia. When Aslan comes to Edmund, he crowns him king and declares him, not Edmund the Liar, but Edmund the Just. No matter how the world views you as that nasty liar you once were. You Father views you has righteous, and in the assembly of all you will be declared righteous. One day each of us will see our hope fulfilled.

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