Monday, December 19, 2011

Oooh, Nice Bag!

NPR reported last week on China’s infamous reputation for producing knockoff fashion items. This time though the knockoffs aren’t designer clothes or accessories but shopping bags, not purses, shopping bags. Status is wrapped up in the outside of the package and not just what’s inside the package. Some people want to give the impression that they have the wealth and status to shop at expensive stores even if there’s only a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk in the bag. If I were given a present wrapped in a famous designer bag, most likely, I wouldn’t notice its significance. Regardless if fashion isn’t one of your preferences, we have certain styles or characteristics that are important for us to maintain in front of others whether it’s organization, looks, knowledge, wealth, or something else. After reading this story, you may want to find one of these cheap luxury shopping bags for yourself, and there’s nothing wrong with that in and of itself. However, we can get caught up seeking the approval of others or a false sense of identity for ourselves through a pursuit of stuff.
When we look to Scripture, we find that our identity through salvation is rooted in Christ. A few days from now we’re celebrating the time that God came into the world to redeem us from finding our identity in anything else besides Him. Take joy in the truth that God loved us so much He gave us His Son that whosever will may have eternal life. You can’t find that in shopping bag.

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