Monday, January 23, 2006

Just in case . . .

If anyone was wondering, I have not, I repeat, I have not lost any weight in my odyssey to 170 lbs. The truth of the matter is that I have never had to lose weight by conventional means. I've previously had exellent tools at my disposal: harsh wrestling practices, hours to spend sweating weight off, and the ultimatum of making weight. None of those things are present, and for the record I didn't have the BULGE I do now. I would think that with all this weight, dropping weight should be easy.
If I must confess, vanilla cokes have never tasted so good, and reeses have never been so easy to unwrap. Plus, the ice cream I just bought last night night is so sweet and creamy. There are so many enemies plotting their fat against me.
With all that being said, I still believe that as long as I work out really, really hard, then it doens't matter if I dig into the great $3 investment at MacDonalds for 2 quarterpounders :)
We are on are way!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny, how could you forget the sherbert (not sure if spelled that correctly or not) and orange juice? The best mixture ever....